The proposed site is not covered by any nature conservation statutory designations however assessments will ensure that protected and designated sites in the surrounding area are assessed and protected from the development, with suitable buffer habitats provided, to sensitively connect them to the proposed development where they are adjacent to the site.

The habitats present on the site have suitability to support a number of protected and notable species, including bats, dormice, reptiles, breeding birds, badgers and amphibians. Ecological surveys conducted have shown a number of species already present on site near the existing boundaries.

These species (and others) will be considered during the assessment of the development and have informed the development of the proposals to avoid impacts where possible, mitigate impacts, and provide enhancement opportunities for these species within the scheme.

A full biodiversity impact assessment will be undertaken alongside an Environmental Statement, which will be submitted alongside the outline planning application ensuring a net gain in biodiversity. This will be achieved through on-site habitat creation and enhancements and off-site funds (if required).


The proposed development will adhere to West Oxfordshire District Council’s ambition for Net-Zero operational carbon balance and deliver 100% of the regulated and unregulated energy consumption on the site. This will be achieved through the following measures:

  • Net zero carbon designed homes, with high standards of fabric efficiency to reduce running costs
  • EV charging points for every home with a dedicated parking space
  • Solar panels throughout the development
  • No natural gas to be used anywhere on the development
  • Heat pumps instead of gas boilers as the primary source of heating
  • Hot water storage tanks to maximise options to store renewable energy
  • High thermal insulation to reduce reliance on heating