The planning application will be in outline form and will demonstrate how the proposed development can be accommodated on the site. The application will be accompanied by an illustrative masterplan which shows one way the development could be brought forward.

The emerging masterplan comprises:

  • Around 1,250 new homes, comprising a wide range of high quality and sustainably constructed dwellings, including 40% affordable housing
  • Extensive public open green spaces for existing and future residents to enjoy and to encourage biodiversity
  • Safe, engaging, and attractive places to play and learn will encourage outside activity
  • State of the art active travel infrastructure that will assist with the delivery of the Witney Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and prioritise active travel over car usage
  • A new local centre with healthcare facilities, a cafĂ© and a shop
  • A new primary school
  • Flood alleviation measures to reduce flood risk associated with the Hailey Road Drain
  • Sustainability measures including solar panels and air source heat pumps