A new community to the north of Witney
Thank you for visiting our virtual consultation website, displaying our vision for a vibrant, engaging and inclusive new community on land north of Witney.
Working together, the North Witney Consortium, comprised of Blenheim Strategic Partners; Cranbrook Construction Limited; Gleeson Land Limited; L&Q Estates Limited; and Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd are bringing forward proposals to develop the allocated land north of Witney.
The site is allocated for development as part of the North Witney Strategic Development Area (SDA) through Policy WIT2 in the adopted West Oxfordshire Local Plan (2018). The North Witney Consortium’s proposals will deliver new homes, public open space, a new local centre including retail and community uses, a primary school, ecological enhancements and associated infrastructure.
We are now pleased to share details of our emerging masterplan for the North Witney Strategic Development Area, as we are keen to hear the thoughts of the local community.
Our consultation has now closed. For any further inquiries, please email the team at feedback@northwitney.co.uk
March 2024 Update
The North Witney Consortium has now submitted its proposals for the development of the site to West Oxfordshire District Council.
To view our consultation, please click here.
Key benefits
Around 1,250 new homes, comprising of a wide range of high quality and sustainably constructed dwellings
Safe, engaging, and attractive places to play and learn will encourage outside activity
State of the art active travel infrastructure that will assist with the delivery of the Witney Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
Sustainability measures including solar panels and air source heat pumps
A new local centre, including community and retail uses
Affordable housing, comprised of a mixture of social rent and shared ownership homes
Flood alleviation measures to reduce flood risk associated with the Hailey Road Drain
New wildlife habitats to encourage biodiversity on-site
Extensive public open green spaces for existing and future residents to enjoy
A new primary school
Get Involved
Our consultation has now closed. As part of our engagement with the local community, we held two in-person exhibitions on 7 and 11 October. You can still view the exhibition virtually by clicking on the ‘Proposals’ tab.
Get in touch
If you have any queries, please get in touch with our project team by emailing feedback@northwitney.co.uk or calling our freephone information line on 0800 298 7040 and leaving a message, and a member of our team will call you back.

You are welcome to share your views on our initial proposal